Section 1. This Association shall be called the Alumni Association of the North American College, Rome.
Section 2. Its object is to co-operate in promoting the welfare and furthering the interests of the College.
Section 3. “Notwithstanding any other provisions herein, this organization will at all times be organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious or educational purposes within the meaning of section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.”
Section 1. Membership: All priests who have resided in the Pontifical North American College in Rome for at least one year during their undergraduate or post-graduate studies are eligible for membership in this Association (Amended by unanimous vote, Cleveland, OH, May 6, 1953.) Membership will be acquired by a majority vote at a regular meeting.
Section 2. All priests who have completed the Institute for Continuing Theological Studies shall be known as “Institute Alumni” and shall enjoy the same benefits and privileges as the alumni of the undergraduate and graduate departments of the Pontifical North American College (Amended: Chicago, IL – June 18, 2008)
Section 3 The yearly dues shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00) payable annually. (Amended: Detroit, MI – June 20, 2001)
Section 1. The Officers of this Association shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, and an Executive Secretary (Amended: Chicago, IL – June 23, 1998).
Section 2. There shall be a governing Executive Committee composed of three members elected by the Association and the President (Amended: Milwaukee, WI – June 22, 2005).
Section 3. The officers shall be determined based upon the hosting (arch) diocese for the annual reunion: President – the (arch) diocesan ordinary; 1st Vice-President – the priest who will coordinate planning and preparations for the annual reunion – 2nd Vice-President – the priest who will assist in the coordination of reunion arrangements.
Section 4. They shall hold office for one year with the exception of the Executive Secretary who will serve a five (5) year term, once renewable. (Amended: Chicago, IL – June 1998).
Section 5. No business shall be transacted without a quorum.
Section 6. A quorum shall consist of seven members.
Section 7. A candidate for office receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. (Amended: Milwaukee, WI – June 22, 2005).
Section 8. Suspension: A member whose dues are in arrears for a period in excess of three years shall be suspended automatically from all privileges and benefits of membership until such arrears shall have been paid in full by said member. Notice of suspension shall be served by the Secretary at the time suspension becomes effective.
Section 9. The President shall have the power to call special meetings.
Section 10. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. In his absence these duties devolve in the ranking officer present.
Section 11. The Executive Secretary shall keep a roll of the members, the minutes of all proceedings of the meetings, and be custodian of the money of the Association. [Amended: San Francisco, CA – June 28, 200Section 12.
Section 12. It shall be the duty of each member to say one Yearly Mass in remembrance of the souls of all recent deceased members, (Amended: Chicago, IL June 18, 2008) and upon receiving notice of the death of a member, the Secretary shall at once make provision of having a Special Memorial Mass, according to the liturgical procedure at the College, offered in the Chapel of the North American College, Rome, for the repose of the soul of such member. (Amended: Denver, Colorado – May 7, 1969.)
Section 13. Any of these rules may be amended or altered by a two-thirds vote of the members at any regular meeting.
Section 14. An annual meeting shall be held; place and time to be designated by the members and Executive Committee at a regular meeting.(Amended: San Francisco, CA – June 28, 2000.]
Section 15. “In the event of the dissolution of this organization, its assets, after payment of all obligations, will be transferred to an organization described in Section 501 ©(3), to be chosen by the Officers of the Association.”
Welcome of the President
Roll Call
Reading of Minutes
Letters of Regret
Report of Secretary/Treasurer
Report of Historian
Report of Rector
Report of Executive Committee
Invitation to Next Meeting
New Business
Election of Officers
*The word “preferably” was added by a vote of more than the two-thirds majority of the alumni present at the Cleveland Business Meeting, May 13, 1979.