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Rev. Msgr. J. Wayne Hayes, PA

Deceased: 2006-02-09

Diocese: FRESNO

Seminary Graduation Year: 1960

Monsignor Wayne Hayes I considered along with many others in this area, not only my Pastor and spiritual advisor but a very good friend as well. I miss him terribly as do we all in the Los Banos parish and the diocese of Fresno, California.

In the ten years or so that I knew him, I found Monsignor to be filled, not only with mystical wisdom, a powerful prayer life but also to be a very personable human being. This holy individual was also the first that I knew that had the gift of a mystical prayer life. I experienced this myself in different ways throughout the time we knew each other and learned many things from him that I have included in my own personal prayer life as well but Monsignor was one that included Christian unity as a forte….he too learned things from all people he came in contact with as well. This explained itself when I found out from him that his own patron saint was John of the Cross, a well-know mystic and doctor of the church.

Monsignor died in Alexandria Egypt while vacationing with his niece on February 9, 2006.

I could write a lot down here about Monsignor and all that he did for those that knew him, including myself but since he was one of God’s own servants, I think that’s best left between he and his God and to be left to be written down in the book of life.