Deceased: 2000-01-15
Seminary Graduation Year: 1942
Right Rev. Msgr. Joseph E. Emmenegger, 82, passed away on Saturday, January 15, 2000. He was born in Dill on January 30, 1917. His priestly formation began at St. Francis Seminary in 1930 and was completed at Leonine College in Rome and Catholic University in Washington, D.C. He was ordained on May 30, 1942, at St. Anne’s Church in Milwaukee by the Most Rev. Moses E. Kiley.
Monsignor began his ministry as an assistant at St. Mary’s Parish in Racine on June 19, 1942. On May 5, 1943, he was named an assistant at Holy Redeemer Parish in Madison. Monsignor attended Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. from 1944 until 1946, receiving a Doctorate in Sacred Theology. In 1946, he was assigned to the Chancery Office as an assistant and appointed Vice-Chancellor and Secretary to Archbishop Albert Meyer. He was appointed a notary in the Curia in 1952. In 1954, he was appointed a Papal Chamberlain to His Holiness, Pope Pius XII. His next assignment took him to Rome in July of 1955 as superior of the Graduate House of North American College. In 1956, he was elevated to Domestic Prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. His first pastorate was in 1961 at St. Andrew Parish in Delavan. He also served as Pastor at St. Matthias in Milwaukee and St. Mary’s in Elm Grove, where he retired in 1992.
A concelebrated Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 22, 2000, in the Mater Chnsti Chapel at the Archbishop Cousins Catholic Center, 3501 South Lake Drive, St. Francis. Archbishop Rembert Weakland will preside. Visitation will take place at the chapel from 9 until 11 a.m.
(The Journal Times, Racine, Wisconsin, Thursday, January 20, 2000, Page 20)